No one could have imagined that 2020 would challenge and change us the way it has. And now that it’s coming to an end, you may be wondering what’s next. Can 2021 be a better year? Should you even expect it to be? These questions and their answers could create a sense of hopelessness and anxiousness about what’s to come, but we are here to help you create a healthier perspective of the future. Together, let’s do our best to make space for a better life in 2021. You can do this with lots of intentional, gentle self-care and self-love.
Recognize 2020
Any traumatic experience requires healthy introspection, and this year is no different. Allow yourself to grieve the trauma you went through. Journal. Cry. Meditate. Talk it out with a friend or a counselor. Likewise, remind yourself of the good that is still living. Reflect on the small joys (birthdays, births, graduations, and still moments) and hold them close.
Recognize You
As you reflect on this year, think about the courage you had to display to get through. What have you learned about your endurance and flexibility under pressure? What have you gathered about your willingness to persevere despite uncertainty? Draw strength and encouragement from your answers. You are truly amazing, Rooted Woman.
Clear Your Space
We believe that changing your environment can help transform your mood, so we encourage you to remove the physical burdens surrounding you and leave them in 2020. Start in your home (it lived through 2020 with you). Show gratitude for your safe space and commit to refreshing it. Throw out or give away things that don’t spark joy. Rearrange your belongings to make yourself feel more organized and secure. Shows like Marie Kondo and The Home Edit on Netflix can inspire you.
Be Kind To Yourself
This is the perfect time of year to start prioritizing your happiness. You are your own worst critic. Some people during this year beat themselves up over loss or what could have been. Find some new affirmations to meditate on that remind you that you’re doing great and you are flourishing right where you are today (believe it, it’s true!).
How Are You Preparing For 2021?
Let us know how you feel about the New Year, and encourage yourself below!