5 Steps To Find Community – Rooted Woman

5 Steps To Find Community

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We all yearn to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Finding and building your community is truly a beautiful way to do that. There are women like you who want to connect and exchange energy, knowledge, and beliefs. Here are tips to help you find them.

Step 1: Get In Tune With Your Hobbies

Figure out the things you enjoy doing. Explore the TV shows you enjoy watching, the music you like listening to, topics you enjoy discussing, and more. It’s all about trial-and-error, so jump in and have fun uncovering new parts of you. 

Step 2: Find A Group Online

Do you feel like no one else enjoys what you enjoy? Sis, we bet there’s a group for it! Look for social media pages, membership sites, interest groups, and meetups geared toward your interests. You may be surprised at what’s out there!

Step 3: Give Back 

There is always an opportunity to give back to your community, whether it’s in a small or a grand way. Maybe you want to feed the homeless, help them find shelters, or help women in domestic violence situations. If you don’t know what you want to do, pandemic relief is a great place to start. COVID-19 has opened so many new doors to help people right in your own  community.

Step 4: Mentor Or Become A Mentee

There are so many benefits to being a mentor, and being a mentee. You get to connect with someone that can help you reach your goals or help recognize and push you to your full potential. Whether it’s a program that is to be a big brother/sister or a career-coach type of relationship, you will cross paths with people with similar goals, who you would be excited to do life with.

Step 5: Connect And Repeat!  

Building your community can be fun and a great way to ease your stress, but it is also an ongoing process. Have patience with yourself and with those around you. We believe wonderful relationships will flourish if you trust your process and openly put yourself in a position to connect. 

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