Focus is one of the most important things when working toward a goal. You need a plan first and foremost. Maybe that plan is to launch your own business, to lose 20 pounds or to go back to school and finish your degree. You think about your goal. You think about the steps you need to take to achieve that goal. You may even document what you’re going to do in writing. After all, writing is supposed to help you to stay on the right path. But along comes temptation. What exactly is temptation? Simply put, temptation is anything that can potentially deter your from your goal. Temptation can be something as simple as cake while on a diet or the handbag you’ve had your eyes on going on sale while you’re trying to save.
The key to getting past temptation is to face it head on. Completely avoiding temptation is impossible. There will always be something or someone which leads to temptation. So instead of pretending there is nothing to worry about, address the issues head on.
- If you’re dieting and are tempted by sweets, carefully consider how hard you’ve had to work to achieve your current weight and fitness level.
- If you’re being tempted to spend money while you’re saving towards your future, think about the value of the items in 10 years versus the money you could’ve saved.
- If you’re thinking about quitting school, take a moment how much different your life could be once your degree is complete.
What’s the best way to plan? Interestingly enough, it’s not at the beginning. The best way to plan is to determine what you want the end result to be. Then, take some time to understand what it will take to get there. What are the major milestones that need to happen in order for you to achieve your goal? For each milestone, outline the action items that you need to get there. As you add detail to your plan it becomes easier to see what your path should be. Creating a vision board or putting your entire plan in writing can help you to stay focused. Add dates to your plan as check points. This way, you can compare your actual progress to where you thought you’d be at the beginning and make adjustments as necessary. Continually remind yourself of the big picture, never lose sight of the goal, even as you’re working through the more detailed tasks. Keeping your eyes on the prize will help you to avoid temptation and stay unwavering.