There is a big difference between being a realist and a pessimist — and if you’ve found yourself dwelling on the worst of any situation, then you may be erring on the side of the latter. We want you to see your womanhood journey for what it is, beautiful and blossoming. A healthy self-care routine can facilitate the positive inner narrative you need in tough times like these. Here are some self-care tips to help you combat negative thinking and start believing the best for yourself.
Look For The Silver Lining
It’s easy to focus on what has — or can — go wrong in any given situation, but there’s power in digging deeper to find some good in the midst of the bad. Perspective is wealth! When your brain starts to spiral downward, challenge yourself to see the positive side to every negative thought.
Remind Yourself That Life Is Good
Sis, no matter what, you’re blessed and you are a blessing. We don’t define life by its bad times; we define it by all the moments we made memorable. Think back over your life to recall moments of joy, peace, love, and hope to hold on to as you push through the tougher seasons. Let us be the first to encourage you that there are many more of those experiences to come for you.
Steer Clear Of Negative People
If you’re around pessimism, it’s bound to rub off on you. Cultivate relationships with those who are committed to thinking the best about you and the world. You’ll have accountability that can cheer you on on your good days, and pull you out of the rut on bad ones.
Give Yourself Something To Look Forward To
Whether it’s a relaxing manicure and pedicure session or your favorite meal from your favorite restaurant — fit things into your days and weeks that make you excited to start each day.
As you put these tips into practice, always remember to give yourself grace. Hang in there, Rooted Woman. We’ll get through this season together! For more ways to boost your mood and take care of your mind, body, and spirit during uncertain times, take our self-guided educational course with nutritionist Frances Holmes on Rooted Woman University.
Private comment: Ohhh myyy goodness…. Thank you sis! I need more of you people in my life. I know my life would be flipped upside down for the positive with more sincere positive people like you all in my life.
So I have to put my thinking cap on. Where to begin? Ohh thank you for being in my life even with your postings and such. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to read this post.
Asking God… Do I grow where I’m planted with the debris, and aftermath of a forest fire or does this little seedling need to be transplanted to receive concentrated nurturing for deeper and sustaining roots?
Please pray for continued healing. I’ll pray that everything you do is richly blessed.