Dear Rooted Woman,
As you know, so much has changed over the last 13 months with COVID-19 cases increasing, social distancing restrictions still in place, mass shootings on the rise and racial injustice ever present in the media. All of these things are competing for our attention, peace, and energy. To be frank, it’s exhausting and nowhere near fair. These things have caused our team to sit back and reflect upon how we have shown up for you and ourselves in the past, and how we can best show up for you and ourselves in the future. The demands of life have not slowed down, even though the trauma that we are all facing continues to rage on. People need us. People need you. And, while the tasks on our to-do lists continue to grow, and the various social issues amass, we know it is abundantly important to protect our energy.
The Rooted Woman team has decided to take a different, more purposeful approach with our focus on self-care. We are putting more emphasis on self. As we do this, we invite you to take this journey with us.
For the past six years, we’ve sought to revolutionize the narrative of self-care, moving away from the belief that self-care is a selfish reward towards an understanding that self-care is a necessary practice that should be supported and accessible within the lives of women. Bottled with intention, we’ve aimed to support your self-care with ethically sourced, vegan, non-toxic polishes and high-quality nail care products. We have served you with pride, love and purpose. Yet, we’d do you a disservice if we didn’t prioritize our healing and re-centering too, in light of these past 13 months. So, my team and I have made adjustments to adopt a slower pace of life this year to honor our bodies, minds, and commitments with more grace and care than ever before. We believe now is the time to give ourselves ample grace, be present for the people that matter, and be available for ourselves. We realize this will make our presence online less interactive, but we’re giving ourselves grace even in that. To be clear, we’re not leaving our space or our community. We are just slowing down and moving with more ease. If you notice us responding slower, know it’s because we’re acting with more intention and care.
We will continue to get your orders out promptly, deliver quality products, offer self-care resources, and provide support for you! Let’s continue to prioritize self-care together, own our womanhood journey, and flourish in our personal spaces. We will do whatever it takes to get back to us, and we hope you do the same.
Thank you for growing with us, all while keeping us Rooted.
Be well,
CEO and Founder of Rooted Woman